Everyone can do it,
but we do it Efficiently

Grakaemmanuels is a Procurement , Logistics, Services and Consultancy Company with it’s Headquarters in Johannesburg South Africa and a sister company in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Conducting Business Differently:
The organisation provides fast, efficient, reliable and cost cutting procurement services to companies, individuals and industries across Sub Saharan Africa.

Our Attributes
Our Vision
To provide a par excellent service that exceeds expectations
Our Mission Statement
To establish ourselves as a premier efficiency based Logical Logistical Solution (LLS)..
Our Values
Grakaemmanuels values innovativenes, quality, efficiency & teamwork to self establish as premier efficiency based logical procurement solution.
Meet Our Team
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”
—Andrew Carnegie

MD - Emmanuela M Emmanuel

GM - Caroline Chigunduru

Operations Director - Heather Makufa